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Inside Scoop | 20 for 20 with Avanish S Phatak, Head of Animation

March 2, 2023

This series explores the varied and colorful roles at Technicolor Group. Spotlighting our talent and bringing their story to center stage. Here are 20 questions for the 20 years with our incredible Head of Animation at Mikros Animation, Avanish S Phatak.

What was the first project you worked on/can remember being released when you joined? 
ESP Kids and Penning, it was an interesting project which we worked on for South Korean clients.

Share your career journey at Technicolor Group
I joined Technicolor as an animator in 2003. I had worked with smaller studios prior to this. With no compromise on quality, the bar was set high right from the beginning. The ability to learn new things, take ownership, and come up with solutions was my strength, and it pushed me to enhance my skills constantly. Consequently, I explored new positions, which introduced new challenges. I worked in various departments, including modeling, rigging, visual effects, lighting, and received great support from the R&D department. Over the years, I have mentored many artists who have become the best in their fields. Since I began my journey, my managers and team members have been very supportive. In this way, I was able to easily transition to new roles and responsibilities and contribute to some of the most exciting international projects. As a Head of Department in Animation, I was able to interact with more people, support them, and learn at the same time.

Describe your time here in 3 words.
Joyous, exhilarating, heart-warming!

In one sentence, what does a Head of Animation do? 
The main responsibility of this position is to guide the team through the projects, deliver top-quality products, and ensure that clients are satisfied with the finished product.

Your favourite CG/animated character would have to be… 
Mickey Mouse

Your most “eureka” moment during your career? 
Working on modified workflows and plans which resulted in delivering the animation for the third season of The Boss Baby on time during the pandemic!

Your career highlight to date? 
My work included developing processes and workflows for leads and supervisors to increase the efficiency of projects such as Boss Baby, and Dragons Rescue Riders. I  also created a manual that assisted them in learning and incorporating the best shot review process.

What inspires you? 
My parents and my brother! Through their fantastic artistic skills and humbleness. I wish they could have been with me for more time.

If you had taken an alternate path, what would you be doing now? 
I would be directing movies, live and animated! 

Your DREAM project would involve… 
Directing an animated feature film.

Share something you learned this week! 
I recently learned about Droupadi Murmu’s story. She is India’s youngest President and the first to be born after the country’s independence was established.      

Tell us a humble brag! 
Being left-handed is associated with being more creative. It has taught me how to be a better divergent thinker and multitasker.

Something you can’t live without. 
Friends and family.

When you’re not working on a project you can be found… 
Learning and researching!

What would your one superpower be if you could choose? 
Time travel!

Share a personal goal or something you want to do in 2023. 
Try to move one step closer to directing a feature.

What piece of advice would you give to your younger self? 
Keeping learning and enjoying what you do.

The best thing about your job? 
Creating things that satisfy generations of audiences continues to be a rewarding experience.

Your biggest achievement so far? 
It is about overcoming all odds, getting stronger every day, never giving up, being straightforward and honest, and being resilient every day.

What can’t you put down? (Book, game, program, app, podcast)  
Television and books. My favorite genres are psychological thrillers and nature. I loved the character Patrick Jane from “The Mentalist” because of his great negotiation skills, understanding of the people around him, and ability to read into a situation. When it comes to books, I am a fan of Dan Brown, Agatha Christie, and Shivarama Karanth (Bettada Jiva).

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to work on award-winning projects.