July 09, 2016

Technicolor’s Josh Limor Explores The In’s & Out’s Of HDR

Learn about the basics behind HDR and what it means for the Future of Storytelling.

The entertainment industry has always looked for ways to leverage new technologies in service of better consumer viewing experiences. Like all prior innovations in the industry, it takes the few first brave pioneers to lead the way, and Technicolor is committed to advancing next-generation technologies. High Dynamic Range (HDR) changes the limitations of light and shadow, with HDR displays providing us vivid colors, richer contrast, deeper shadows and brighter highlights.

In the presentation, What is HDR?, Josh Limor, VP of Technology and Ecosystem Development at Technicolor, explores the basics of HDR and gives an overview of HDR imaging, covering the various definitions of HDR from both academic and industry perspectives.

Be sure to check out the full video here! Also, Technicolor’s HDR Glossary is an indispensable reference guide for industry professionals. Download it today.